Ecosystem Transition - Bat Park
Developing an acid lowland grassland at Bat Park, Wilderness Wood has been a challenge to encourage a unique grassland habitat in the middle of a Wealden woodland.
What’s a Leaky Dam?
Leaky Dam’s are something of a speciality at Wilderness Wood, where we have built over 100 to-date. We offer visitors a Leaky Dam Trail guide. Ask at ‘The Hatch’.
Tree Managment at Wilderness Wood
Wilderness Wood is not only a wildlife habitat, but also a working woodland, much of it managed for timber production. The challenge has to be balancing these in order to enable both to flourish.
Autumn comes to Wilderness Wood
The first day of autumn shows little change after the recent summer heat, but recent rains are sure to hasten changes as winter creeps up on us.
Woodland Trees
Woodlands are dominated by trees, but how do they grow, what uses can they be put to and what interactions can we find there?
Bat Park Acid Lowland Grassland Project
Catsear - one of the increasing number of wildflowers starting to appear at the Bat Park due to the acid lowland grassland project
Rain, Slugs, Dog Poo and a Crock of Gold
A walk in the rain reveals all sorts of surprises most fair weather explorers never get to see.
Summer flowers of the wood
Mondays bring a welcome quiet to the woods with plenty of plants to be spotted
Grassland, Heathland, Wetland and Woodland Management
Different habitats have to be managed in quite different ways
A Century of Leaky Dams and the ‘Wilderness Bridge’
The completed Wilderness Bridge - at the bottom of Hemlock Valley, crossing the Wilderness Stream
Botanical Surveys, Water Tigers and Animal Tracks
Conservation is about methodically recording for scientific purposes, but also being rewarded with unexpected finds because of good conservation work done earlier.
Stewardship Saturday 1st July 2023
Our monthly gathering of members to carry out conservation and other activities