The Flora and Fauna
We work hard to provide a variety of different habitats around the woods to encourage and support wildlife. David Horne volunteers most Tuesdays and leads working parties on Stewardship Saturdays to help with this work. Kate is leading a monthly bumblebee survey on the afternoons of Stewardship Saturday. Read more about this work and our observations.
You will often spot bats in the early evening and can hear owls out in the woods at night. We also once saw a badger on a night-time walk, although we aren’t sure whether they live in the wood, or if they were just passing through.
Although it can sometimes look drastic, coppicing the trees each year allows more light and air to reach the forest floor, which encourages wild flowers such as wood anenome, celandine, primroses and bluebells, which in turn are food for birds, bees, butterflies and a range of insects.
The Bees - we have a small aipary of three bee-hives, looked after Jonathan Alawo and other keen members of the wood. We often have our own honey and beeswax products on sale. And Jonathan also gives talks and workshops about bees. You can find out more on his website:
Seasonal Visitors - The Horses - Jack and Moogle, and their owner, Ree, visit when we need help with timber extraction - reducing the need for machinery which can damage the rides in winter. The ponies are friendly but it is best not to approach them, unless you see Ree nearby.