Wilderness Wildlife blog

The conservation and ecology work that happens here at Wilderness Wood is often not shouted about - at least not in the public domain. Within the home-team and membership involved in the stewardship of the woods, it is often given a hearty cheer, but hopefully this blog will become a source of information (and maybe even entertainment) for other people interested in what we get up to.

David Horne is a dedicated volunteer, ecologist and part time beaver, who prompted this blog and will likely be its most regular contributer. He is the main guardian of the Bat Park project (dedicated blog post in the works) and has done incredible work on creating Leaky Dams around the wood to help hold water in the landscape (hence the beaver moniker - a blog on this perhaps needed too).

In the grand scheme of woodland, our 62ish acres is very small, but we do what we can to make it a haven not just for families to get out in nature, but to be able to encounter, or at least learn about a large range of native creatures and plants that also call Wilderness Wood their home.

We hope you will want to check back regularly to see what we are up to, and we would love to see your pictures and hear your observations of wildlife in the wood. Please email me if you have any questions or contributions! kateandjake@wildernesswood.org


Bat Park & Ponds