Mixed age sports day

It is interesting choosing which traditions to adopt from schools when you are not in one!

Sport’s day at school can be torture - can be fun. We have tended to run a sport’s day most years to celebrate the end of the Friday Club ‘term’. We adopt some of its traditions - egg-and-spoon, tug-of-war, running races. But with a sprinkling of home ed anarchy - all ages involved, fairly chaotic and not taking it very seriously!

We were lucky this year that Friday Club graduate, Len, aged 19, was up for the challenging role of instructing the games with our unruly gang of home educated young people, current home-team plus builders and a visiting Galician family - the Spanish eight year old seemed delighted with the experience.

Just in case you think this contradicts my critique of school - I haven’t done the research but I guess the spirit and games at a mixed age sport’s day on a summer afternoon predates mass schooling!


End of term Instead of School exhibition


To GCSE or not to GCSE